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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hello & Welcome!

Finally after many request from friends and family I have created this blog to share my personal hair solutions. I am more than happy to let you in on my hair little secrets and not so secret recipes and products for  healthy and strong hair. You can follow my other blogs on the right on "view my profile" under my picture. For those that don't know me I have several passions and taking care of my hair is one of them. I have very long hair which reaches under my tush. My mother always says, that if you want long hair then you need to take care of it. Let me tell you she was right!

That being said, I have so  many hair solutions that have been amazing to me over the years and I will be posting them here. Keep in mind that these products or recipe's have been successful on me but every hair is different. Therefore, if it doesn't work on you then move to the next and don't give up!

Through out the years I have used many products because my hair gets "accustomed" to products after some time. I don't know what that is about but hey. I guess it's similar to eating something you really like, a lot of times and then getting tired of it ;)

Stay tuned and come back often so you don't miss out on great ideas for your hair. Any hair type and any texture. My recipe's are mostly organic and if I use products I try my best to accompany with something that will balance it naturally.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Lovely Strands

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